The Africa Evidence Network (AEN) is a broad community of nearly 3,000 diverse people who share a vision to see an end to poverty and inequality in Africa. The Network’s mission is to work with others to contribute to this vision by increasing the use of evidence in decision-making. The Network is pan-African, open to all who live and work on the continent.
The Africa Evidence Network organized this year the first ever Africa Evidence Week from 9-13 September 2019 to celebrate African organizations dedicated to evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM).
ACED took an active part in the week. ACED staff members shared some highlight findings on one of our initiatives that aimed to generate actionable evidence on inland fisheries in Benin in one of the AEN blog post. The initiative was set up in the absence of reliable and recent data on inland fisheries in Benin.
In addition, a blog post was published on how ACED is working to establish a vibrant community of evidence generators and users through in Benin through the EPA network