The project “Improving the resilience of the inland fisher communities and aquatic systems to overfishing and water resource degradation in Benin” funded by the Dutch Organisation for scientific research was launched in Cotonou during a workshop held on 17th April 2015. The workshop gathered many stakeholders from agricultural sector and particularly from the fishery sector that appropriated the initiative and suggested ways of improving its implementation strategy. The workshop was opened by the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture along with the Dutch ambassador in Benin. The communications given by the consortium members, namely ACED, SOW-VU and LHA-UAC allowed all the participants to understand the project through the concept, objectives, expected results, implementation strategy and analysis methods.
- Keynote presentation: Vulnerability of the inland fisher communities and aquatic systems to overfishing and water resource degradation in Benin; presented by Prof. Philippe Laleye, LHA-UAC, member of the consortium, , Download the presentation
- Communication 2: Presentation of the project “Improving the resilience of Inland Fishing in Benin: objective, methodology, and expected results” presented by Frejus Thoto, ACED, Coordinator of the consortium. Download the presentation
- Communication 3: Analysis of the capacity of inland fishery: utilization of the integrated statistics analysis, presented by Dr. Ben Sonneveld, SOW-VU, member of the consortium. Download the presentation. The participants discussed on the project and formulated ways of improving the project implementation strategy and results dissemination. These propositions include among others: the effective involvement of all stakeholders; the study of the impact of water degradation on the fishing capacity and the vulnerability of fishing communities; the organization of dissemination workshops to the different categories of stakeholders; and the implication of the private sector.
- Report of the workshop
- Video report of the workshop
- More pictures here