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29 March 2017

Reducing the knowledge gap to build youth capacities in agribusiness

Abomey-calavi Organized by: ACED
Human development

From 3 to 5 may 2016, ACED participated in the Third Pan-African Capacity Development Forum in Harare, Zimbabwe. The theme of the Forum is “Developing Capacity for Africa’s Economic and Social Transformation”. During this event, ACED's Donald Houessou signed a funding agreement with the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) to develop a youth in agribusiness project in Benin. The framework of the project is presented below.


Some capacity challenges prevent youth from unleashing their potential and take full advantage from the agricultural sector.

  • The main one is their inability to embrace the agricultural sector as a value chain. As a result, there is a high concentration of young people in primary production increasing the supply and failing to get sustainable revenue from the market. This capacity challenge is also driven by a knowledge gap on the profiles of the young people that could guide policies. In Benin, there is no reliable comprehensive mapping on the different categories of young people who are willing to venture into agriculture.
  • The second capacity challenge is related to the inability of youth to understand the agricultural markets and determine which product is profitable and demanded.
  • The last capacity challenge is related to business skills in the agricultural sector. No matter how youth are good in agricultural production, if they lack general business skills, they are unlikely to succeed in the sector.


In line with the aforementioned capacity challenges, this project proposes to develop a catalytic approach to provide evidence based information and resources to reduce the knowledge gap and successfully engage young people in the agricultural sector.

Expected outcomes

  • Profiles, needs and most profitable positioning for youth in the agricultural value chains are analyzed
  • A manual on agricultural entrepreneurial and business capacities for youth is developed
  • Knowledge products with key policy recommendations are developed and shared with all stakeholders

This grant is among the 3 awarded in Africa through the "Funding Innovative Capacity Building Initiatives (FICAD)" of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)